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Graduate Programme Molecular Materials for Electronics & Photonics (Lumomat) – Master level

Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


The graduate programme Lumière Molécule Matière (Light Molecule Matter) offers a solid, innovative training programme in chemistry, in close interaction with scientific research and technological innovation. Read more

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General information

- Entry: September 2024
- Duration: 2 years
- Place: Nantes
- Langue: English and French

More information


The Graduate Programme (GP) LUMOMAT (LUmière, MOlécules, MATière) is integrated into the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Graduate School Matière, Molécule, Matériaux et Géosciences (3MG). This programme offers complete training from the Masters to the Doctorate level in interaction with scientific research and technological innovation in the field of molecular chemistry and materials.

The programme is part of the very high potential field of organic electronics and photonicsims and it aims to train top-level engineers and researchers to meet the major challenges facing society in energy, health, the environment and information storage.

Being supported by the France 2030 - Investissements d'Avenir programmes, GP LUMOMAT enables students to benefit from a label of excellence offering multiple advantages:
  • Access to the intrenational collaborative network of LUMOMAT researchers and teacher-researchers, as well as partner universities in France and abroad;
  • Access to the skills and equipment of four laboratories with complementary expertise in the Pays de la Loire and Brittany regions;
  • Attractiveness scholarships based on academic criteria;
  • Work-study programmes;
  • Mobility assistance for internships abroad;
  • Teaching in English;
  • Strong interaction with industry (courses, conferences, company visits, internships).

Why joining the Graduate Programme LUMOMAT?

The LUMOMAT master's degree trains future chemists with unique expertise in the field of molecules and molecular materials. The training is based on a balance of lectures, practical work, tutorials, integration into the research community, workshops and projects, and close interaction with academic and industrial players. Workshops and practical exercises are supported by state-of-the-art equipment available at LUMOMAT's partner laboratories and platforms.
Students can personalize their studies to suit their career plans, through tutored projects in the laboratory or in industry.
The possibility of a sandwich course (apprenticeship or professionalization contract) or an engineering course (through a Master's degree in Engineering) gives access to additional and complementary knowledge and skills (management, communication, project management, entrepreneurship) essential for integrating into companies and taking up operational engineering positions or creating innovative start-ups.


 LUMOMAT strategic partners :


  • Nantes
  • Angers
  • Rennes


Entry requirement

Academic requirement

Proficiency in the major disciplines covered in Bachelor's degrees (or Master's degrees for entry into Master's 2) specialized in Chemistry or Physics-Chemistry (organic chemistry, spectroscopy, theoretical chemistry, electrochemistry), and the associated experimental skills.

Language requirement:

Understanding of written and spoken English

Required competencies:

Scientific: know how to analyze and justify a problem while mobilizing the knowledge required and essential for its resolution.
Methodological and behavioral: know how to manage and organize personal and team work, ensuring it is done regularly and sustainably.

Please note:

  • English and other language courses will be available for enrolment.
  • The first year of master (M1) LUMOMAT is opened to students with a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry or Physics-Chemistry. Admission to M1 LUMOMAT is by application, and may include an interview for students from other courses.
  • The second year of master (M2) is opened to students from the M1 LUMOMAT (enrolment by right) and other Chemistry or Physics/Chemistry-focused Master's 1 degrees. Students from other chemistry or physics/chemistry Master's programmes may be admitted after studying their applications. Admission is possible for students who have not validated a Master 1, after validation of prior learning by a prior learning validation commission.


Application procedure

For our selection, applicants will have to submit documents (and pass an interview if needed).

Submission period
For students who do not live in France and do not have French nationality:
  • Countries that are part of the Campus France procedure, please note that the inscription will be opened from 1st October to 31st December of the year before the entry year. (Ex: Inscription period from 01/10/2021 to 31/01/2023 for the entry date on 01/09/2023). For more information please access to these links: or Nantes Université – CEF procedure
  • Countries that do not use the Campus France procedure (including EU countries), please follow our VAEE procedure.
For students who have French nationality or resident in France, please follow the procedure guideline on our website

Basic documents are required
  • A CV written in English/French
  • A cover letter written in English/French
  • A recommendation letter if possible
  • Transcripts
More information about your submission



Students can enter the Programme either at the Master’s level or at the PhD’s level. After the first two years, students who have obtained the master’s degree can apply for PhD or pursue other career paths as research and innovation engineer.


For the first year of Master's programme, students can choose to enroll at either Nantes University or University of Rennes. The second year of Master's, all students will study with University of Angers.

First year of Master's in Nantes

  • Chimie organique, organométallique et catalyse
  • Caractérisations physico-chimiques
  • Modélisation moléculaire
  • Spectroscopies et fluorescence
  • Cristallographie et analyses thermiques
  • Electrochimie
  • Matériaux
  • De la molécule au solide
  • Outils de communication
  • Projet intégrateur (laboratoire ou industrie)
  • Stage de 4 à 6 mois, en France ou à l’étranger

First year of Master's in Rennes

  • Chimie organique, organométallique et catalyse
  • Caractérisations physico-chimiques
  • Modélisation moléculaire
  • Spectroscopies et fluorescence
  • Cristallographie et analyses thermiques
  • Electrochimie
  • Matériaux
  • De la molécule au solide
  • Outils de communication
  • Projet intégrateur (laboratoire ou industrie)
  • Stage de 4 à 6 mois, en France ou à l’étranger

Second year of Master's in Angers

  • Chimie organique, organométallique et catalyse
  • Caractérisations physico-chimiques
  • Modélisation moléculaire
  • Spectroscopies et fluorescence
  • Cristallographie et analyses thermiques
  • Electrochimie
  • Matériaux
  • De la molécule au solide
  • Outils de communication
  • Projet intégrateur (laboratoire ou industrie)
  • Stage de 4 à 6 mois, en France ou à l’étranger

What's next?

Level of education obtained after completion


Competencies acquired

At the end of the course, students will :
  •     Be developed an understanding of the business world and been sensitized to the notion of entrepreneurship,
  •     Be experienced in project management.
Students will be able to:
  • Use molecular and supramolecular engineering techniques to synthesize functional materials,
  • Propose eco-compatible synthesis routes for these innovative materials,
  • Select appropriate characterization techniques and theoretical models to optimize the properties of functional materials,
  • Provide knowledge on organic materials, their markets and applications,
  • Supervise and lead R&D projects in the field of organic materials (molecular photonics and electronics),
  • Propose a series of characterization strategies to establish the links between structure and the electronic and photonic properties of matter.

Career opportunities

Students graduating from the LUMOMAT Chemistry Master's program will be able to take on a position as an engineer (synthesis, analysis, instrument management) and, in the longer term, take on management positions in companies involved in R&D and the management of innovative projects.

Moreover, students can also enter the public research sector at engineer level through competitive examinations in major public research organizations (University, CNRS, INRA, INSERM, etc.), or prepare a doctoral thesis in France or abroad, with access to thesis funding (e.g. CIFRE-type grants in conjunction with a company, funding via the EUR LUMOMAT call for projects and its network).

Further studies

After two years of masters you will have a choice between developing your own career or pursuing a research project at PhD’s level.

People with a PhD trained at EUR LUMOMAT will be able to work as researchers or research engineers in private organizations. In the short term, they will be able to occupy positions of responsibility (project and team management).

After gaining post-doctoral experience, ideally abroad, these researchers may also apply for teaching-research positions in universities or as CNRS researchers.

For more information on our PhD program, please follow this link: (available soon)
Mis à jour le 19 July 2023.