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Personnel de l'université


Enseignant-Chercheur (MC/HC-HDR)


Bâtiment 22 CEISAM: Chimie Et Interdisciplinarité: Synthèse Analyse Modélisation, UMR 6230 CNRS - Université de Nantes UFR Sciences et Techniques 2 Rue de la Houssinière, BP 92208 44322 NANTES Cedex 03

Méthodologie Electrochimique – Equipe IMF CEISAM – Bureau 222.
0251125723 (n° interne : 455723)
Site internet

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Electrochimie - Chimie générale - structure de la matière - chimie analytique - capteur/biocapteurs -

Thèmes de recherche

Ink formulations and modified materials for electrochemical/photoelectrochemical process, devices and specific applications in close connection with industrial problems

Publications (links) :

                                                           Mohammed Boujtita - Google Scholar Citations

                                                    mohammed boujtita (0000-0001-5604-3294) - ORCID | Connecting ...

1- Modified Screen-printed inks for Electrochemical and Photo-electrochemical devices :
Printed functional materials

2- Modified Screen-printed Electrodes for analytical applications: Oxidative degradation of xenobiotics and emerging pollutants

Integration of screen-printed eletrodes


Activités / CV

Employment History

-Teacher-Researcher - University of Nantes from 09/2000 to date
- Project Leader (Technology Transfer) - Gwent Group Ltd from 01/1998 to 09/2000
- Scientist Researcher (R&D)-Biosis (Start-up) from 01/1997 to 12/1997
- Scientist Researcher (R&D) - DOSIVIT (S.A.R.L) from 09/1992 to 12/1995


- Habilitation- University of Nantes 2004: Electrochemistry, Screen-printing, Surface modification
- Research Doctoral degree/PhD - University of Nantes 1992 : Electrochemistry


-  Coordinator as Project Leader at Gwent Groups Ltd : I coordinated significant industrial projects and set up three analytical devices for complex matrix - (1998- 2000)
- Coordinator of French team in Contract (European Project : 6th Framework – Corporation Research Project n° COOP-CT-2004-512510) : Large Area Surface for Building Integrated Tile - (2004-2007)
- Coordinator of "WP: Functionalization of nanostructured carbon (CNT and CNW) for electrochemical applications”– BioCap Project" - (2014-2017) - WP-leader in Project ANR (PROGELEC) :“Determination of time-life and time transport of both electron and holes by IMPS and IMVS "- POSITIF Project - (2013-2016)
- WP-leader in Project ANR : “Electrochemical characterization of NiO modified with PbS nanoparticles by Electrochemical Spectroscopy Impedance "- QUEPHELEC Project - (2013-2016)
- Coordinator of "WP: Biosensors for emerging pollutants – MATIERE Project" -– Contrat Plan Etat Région (Pays de Loire) - 2014-2017
- Coordinator of ACTION Project : Formulation and process of printed inks - Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT) – 2019-2022
- Coordinator of ANR project:" Electrochemically promoted tyrosine-click- chemistry for protein labelling" - e-clik Project - (2019-2022)
- Scientific Partner of ANR Project:"INDEED- IRMS INtramolecular DEep Expertise Diagnostic by Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry", PRCE - (2019-2024)
- Coordinator of MAPS Project : "Printed sensors : piézoresisitive and capacitive inks " - Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT) – 2021-2024

Other activities

- Group Leader (Electrochemical team – CEISAM) and supervised as scientific director 16 PhD students and 5 Postdoctoral positions within the period of 2004-2019
- Doctoral Skills Development Manager:  3MPL/3M Nantes France. From 2014 to 2019
- Head of Studies for the Master I of Chemistry (LUMOMAT : University of Nantes) that I lunched in 2014
- Expertise for ANR (2013 and 2017 - France)
- Expertise for Open Technologie Programma (2016 - Netherland)
- Expertise for European Commission - From 2014 to date

Patents (from 2014 to date)

1- 20160053389 -US25.02.2016-C25B 9/18 -14759344-(C.N.R.S) -M.BOUJTITA & U. BUSSY
2- 2943785 DEVICE–Europe- 8.11.2015-G01N 27/403- 14700566-(C N R S) - M.BOUJTITA& U. BUSSY
3- . WO/2014/108372 -WO-17.07.2014 - G01N 27/403-PCT/EP2014/050098-(C.N.R.S) - M.BOUJTITA & U. BUSSY
4-. 3000749 - FR-11.07.2014-C25B 9/00-1350154- (C N R S) - M.BOUJTITA & U. BUSSY

Mis à jour le 03 octobre 2024.