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Graduate Programme Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) – Master level

Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


Nantes University’s graduate programme in Earth and Planetary Sciences is focused on training the next generation of geologists, planetary scientists and experts in space exploration missions by providing a curriculum of graduate-level courses as ... Read more

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Nantes University’s graduate programme in Earth and Planetary Sciences is focused on training the next generation of geologists, planetary scientists and experts in space exploration missions by providing a curriculum of graduate-level courses as well as opportunities to conduct research at the forefront of geosciences and planetary exploration. This programme will offer you a unique learning experience benefiting from expertise at Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences, deeply engaged in space exploration programmes, and collaboration inside the international research and training consortium GeoPlanet, including more than 20 partners worldwide.
Through a multi-disciplinary approach, you will acquire state-of-the-art knowledge in Earth and Planetary Sciences and develop research skills in an international collaborative environment. The mastery of advanced techniques and digital tools will offer you various opportunities to pursue a career in academic or private entities related to geosciences and space exploration.  You can enter the Graduate Programme at the Master’s Level or Ph.D. level. At the Master’s level, you have the possibility to follow the Earth and Planetary Science (EPS) Programme in Nantes or apply for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master programme - Planetary Geosciences (GeoPlaNet - EMJM), with the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and the University of Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) (see dedicated booklet for more details). Both EPS and IMPG master programmes shared the same teaching units in the second year of master’s in Nantes and give access to the EPS Graduate Programme.

Why would you choose graduate programme Earth and Planetary Science?

  • Taught entirely in English
  • A pedagogical team consisting of geologists and planetary scientists deeply engaged in international space exploration programmes.
  • Training by research through individual research project and participation to international team works
  • Opportunity of internship and research mobility within GeoPlaNet consortium’s partners worldwide
  • Personalised coaching and mentoring to optimize career plans in various fields of Earth and planetary sciences.


We propose scholarships of 1500€ for our international students. Candidates will have to  follow the Campus France application procedure, after admission, apply for the schorlarship through the programme leader of the programme.
Please note that the number of scholarships is limited reserved for our best candidates.
For more information, please contact

Other contributing research units:





Entry requirement

Academic requirement

  • Applicants must have completed a degree preferentially in Earth and Planetary Science, and possibly Physics; Chemistry, Material Sciences or Mathematics

Language requirement

Applicants must achieve one of the English conditions below:
  • Minimum overall TOEIC score of 800 or equivalent
  • Graduate from a university in an English - speaking country
  • Interview in English
*Please note:
  • In order to adapt the life in France, a good level of French is highly recommended. French and other language courses will be available for register.


Application procedure

For our selection, applicants will have to submit documents (and pass an interview if needed).

Submission period
For students who do not live in France and do not have French nationality:
  • Countries that are part of the Campus France procedure, please note that the inscription will be opened from 1st October to 31st December of the year before the entry year. (Ex: Inscription period from 01/10/2021 to 31/01/2023 for the entry date on 01/09/2023). For more information please access to these links: or Nantes Université – CEF procedure
  • Countries that do not use the Campus France procedure (including EU countries), please follow our VAEE procedure.
For students who have French nationality or resident in France, please follow the procedure guideline on our website

Basic documents are required
  • A CV written in English/French
  • A cover letter written in English/French
  • A recommendation letter if possible
  • Transcripts
More information about your submission



Students can enter the Programme either at the Master’s level or at the PhD’s level. After the first two years, students who have obtained the master’s degree can apply for PhD or pursue other career paths as research and innovation engineer.

Le contenu de programme

What's next?

Level of education obtained after completion


Competencies acquired

The programme will help you acquire various competences in order to succeed in your career development. After 2 years of Master:
  • Acquire state-of-the-art knowledge in Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • Develop top-level research skills in an international collaborative environment
  • Analyze and interpret multi-disciplinary data using advanced techniques and numerical tools
  • Communicate on the latest advances in the field in a synthetic and pedagogical manner

Career opportunities

Whether having a master’s degree or a Ph.D. degree, graduating from our programme, your profile will be very attractive for various sectors related to Geosciences and Space exploration (see in the structure of the programmes), in private or public entities, such as:

  • Engineer in field geology/geophysics
  • Remotesensing/geomatics Engineer
  • Engineer in instrumentation for geosciences and space exploration
  • Consultant/Project manager (Ph.D. level) in study office related to Geosciences and Space exploration
  • Science Officer in research organizations/companies
  • Earth and Planetary data scientist (PhD Level)
  • Research engineer (PhD level) in Earth and Planetary data acquisition, processing, experimentation, instrumentation, numerical modelling
  • Researcher and professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences (PhD level)

Further studies

After two years of masters you will have a choice between developing your own career or pursuing a research project in PhD’s level. With a PhD degree, more opportunities will be opened for you.
For more information about our PhD graduate Programme, please follow the link (available soon)
Mis à jour le 20 September 2023.