Academic Programme

Graduate Programme Innovative Materials and Energy Systems (E-Mat) - Master level

Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


E-Mat is a Graduate Programme of Nantes University suppported by IMN & LTeN, 2 world - class laboratories from Nantes University and CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) and selected by the French program "Investissement d'Avenir” En savoir plus

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General information

- Entry year: 2024/2025 - Courses will start in September
- Duration: 2 years
- Location/Place: Nantes
- Language:
First year of master will be taught in French with English direct translation
Second year of master will be taught in English

Version français



E-Mat is a Graduate Programme of Nantes University that is integrated in Faculty of Science and Technology and the Graduate School of Matter, Molecules, Materials and Geosciences (3MG). The programme is suppported by IMN & LTeN, 2 world - class laboratories from Nantes University and CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) and selected by the French programme "Investissement d'Avenir”. It meets strategic needs for academic research and industrial innovation in order to respond to current and future societal challenges

The Innovative Materials and Energy Systems (E-Mat) programme trains students in the handling and exploitation of cutting-edge technologies and innovative concepts applied to the design and development of advanced functional materials for tackling fundamental and technological challenges in various domains, in particular :

  • Production, conversion, transfer and storage of energy
  • Information and communication technologies, automotive, aerospace, etc..

The ambition of the Graduate Programmes of the Graduate School 3MG is to accompany students in a professionalized approach from the Master to the PhD level by drawing on the expertise of internationally recognized research laboratories, as well as on international research networks. Students who wish to continue their training in doctoral studies will have the opportunity to apply for different fundings.

Graduate Programme E-Mat provides a complete interdisciplinary and international training in the domain physics/chemistry/engineering of materials, starting from the stage of conception, synthesis, and elaboration, to characterization techniques, properties, and their use for specific functions and applications. Master graduates after two years will have skills to postulate as Research and Development engineers. The programme opens higher opportunities to apply for a doctorate (PhD) for those who want to develop further their expertise in fundamental or applied research in 3-year project.

All courses during the first year will be taught in French with direct translation in English and through the second year, the programme will be taught fully in English. Students will have a chance to carry out their research projects and internship in two of our high-ranking laboratories (IMN & LTeN) or in academic and industrial laboratory partners, in France and worldwide.

Why would you choose Graduate Programme Innovative Materials and Energy Systems?

The Graduate Programme offers the opportunity to become an actor in the global transition challenges by :

  • developping an expertise in promoting innovative solutions in Functional Materials and Systems for Energy,
  • accessing interdisciplinary work projects in Lab for developing experimental skills on cutting-edge instruments,
  • implementing innovative methods, Artificial Intelligence, and using professional software for materials and energy systems,
  • merging two complementary high-ranking labs having unique areas of specialization,
  • providing personalised coaching and mentoring,
  • benefiting from a strong international integration to support both outgoing and incoming mobility of students.

This course enables students to develop their skills to design, elaborate, characterize, model (nano)materials and (nano)technologies and systems for energy; to exploit or to develop (nano)technologies for scientific purposes or industrial innovation; to exploit these materials and systems to improve the performance of current devices and technologies in a wide variety of application fields; to integrate a research or R&D project in an international context; to practice team working.


We propose scholarships of 1500€ for our international students. Candidates will have to  follow the Campus France application procedure, after admission, apply for the schorlarship through the programme leader of the programme.
Please note that the number of scholarships is limited reserved for our best candidates.
For more information, please contact





Formation(s) requise(s)

  • E-Mat master programme is intended for holders of a Bachelor's degree (Licence) in Physics or Physics-Chemistry, or equivalent.

Language requirement

Applicants who will join from the first year of master or the second year of master, regarding the English language, to achieve one of the following conditions:
  • Minimum overal TOEIC score of 800 or equivalent
  • Graduated from a university of an English – speaking country.
Please note:
  • Students who cannot justify one of the English conditions above can also have a direct English interview (by visioconference) and commit to take the TOIEC test during the first year of Master (M1) to be able to enter the last year of Master (M2)


Modalités de candidature

For our selection, applicants will have to submit documents and pass an interview.

Submission period
For students who do not live in France and do not have French nationality:
  • Countries that are part of the Campus France procedure, please note that the inscription will be opened from 1st October to 31st December of the year before the entry year. (Ex: Inscription period from 01/10/2021 to 31/01/2023 for the entry date on 01/09/2023). For more information please access to these links: or Nantes Université – CEF procedure
  • Countries that do not use the Campus France procedure (including EU countries), please follow our VAEE procedure.
For students who have French nationality or resident in France, please follow the procedure guideline on our website

Basic documents are required
  • A CV written in English/French
  • A cover letter handwritten in English/French
  • A recommendation letter, except for Nantes University students
  • Transcripts
More information about your submission



Students can join the Programme either at the Master’s level or at the PhD’s level. After the first two years, students who have obtained the master’s degree can apply for PhD or pursue other career paths as research and innovation engineer.




M1 - First year of master (in French with English direct translation)

  • Fundamental Physics
  • Methods for synthesis of (nano) materials (I)
  • Charasterization properties - Energy systems (I)
  • Materials properties - Energy systems (I)
  • Modeling (Finite elements; Atomic scale; Data processing)
  • Experimental Project (in laboratory)
  • Soft Skills
  • Thematic School
  • Internship (2 to 4 months)
M2 - Second year of master (in English)
  • Methods for synthesis of (nano)materials (II)
  • Characterization of materials (II)
  • Nanosciences - Electronic devices
  • Energy systems (II)
  • Modeling (Multiphysics; Quantum; Artificial Intelligence)
  • Micro-Nanotechnology Project (clean room)
  • Thematic School
  • Soft skills
  • Internship (5 to 7 months)

Et après ?

Niveau de sortie


Compétences visées

The programme will help you acquire various competences in order to succeed in your career development. You will be able to:
  • Carry out a research or research and development (R&D) project in the field of materials/energy, innovative systems and their applications related to sustainable development and strategic challenges
  • Collect, analyse, model and interpret data and demonstrate critical analysis through both experimental or theoretical approaches
  • Merge in any professional structure, especially in an international context

Career opportunities

From both E-Mat master or PhD degrees, your Research and Development profile will be highly interesting for many industrial fields such as:

  • Materials
  • New and Renewable energies
  • Energy capture, conversion, production, management and storage
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Transportation/Aerospace

Job opportunities:

Bac +5 (Master degree)
  • Process Engineer
  • R&D Engineer
  • Materials Engineer
  • Nanto - Technology Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Consulting Engineer

Poursuites d'études

After two years of master students will have a choice between:
  • developing your own career
or or
  • pursuing a research project toward PhD’s level.

Job opportunities:

  • R&D Project Manager
  • Research Engineer (Innovation and development)
  • Researcher
  • Assistant Professor
  • Innovation Consultant
  • Project Manager
For more information about our PhD graduate Programme, please follow the link (available soon)
Mis à jour le 26 juin 2024.