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Ecosystems and Marine Bioproduction Master's Degree


The Master in Ecosystems and Marine Bioproduction (EBM) is a specialty of Nantes Université's degree in environmental management. Read more

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  • Integrate the spatial and temporal dimensions of environmental systems
  • Address environmental issues through a multidisciplinary approach
  • Identify and analyse the challenges of aquaculture and its interactions with the coastal zone environment
  • Implement and analyze the results of direct and indirect biological study methods of marine environments
  • Implement and analyze the results of biotechnological study methods applied to the valorization of marine substances

Language requirements

The programme is taught in English. A good command of the English language is required (B2 score as defined by the Council of Europe).

Career Opportunities

Whether you want to work in the public or private sector, this programme is for you. With this diploma, you can apply for positions as an engineer, a project manager or a lecturer-researcher (after a PhD).


Tortue - Master EBM


The EBM degree trains professionals in the multidisciplinary study of marine ecosystems, aquaculture, and
valorisation of substances and marine organisms. Complementary skills in geomatics, remote sensing and quantitative data analysis will enable you to integrate the spatial and temporal dimensions of resource distribution and biological interactions in the marine environment. You will be able to follow a research career (after a doctorate), as well as that of agri-food and pharmaceutical production or environmental monitoring, management and development.


The structure of the Master's programme enables you to acquire a progressive professional specialisation based on your previous training, thereby obtaining a degree that is highly valued on the job market, particularly for its global approach to environmental issues.



In Nantes, the University is organised into four major campuses along the Erdre River, crossing the city from north to south to the Ile de Nantes on the Loire River.
The programme courses are located on the Lombarderie Campus which is a wooded area well served by public transportation.
Nantes (600,000 inhab.) is located close to the Atlantic Ocean and is regularly rated as one of the most pleasant French cities to live in. Thanks to its beautiful parks, efficient public transport and other policies for sustainable development, Nantes has been awared the
status of European Green Capital.

Programme Leader(s)

Our partners

Research center

The training provided is based, on the skills of three Nantes Université research laboratories, associated in the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers Nantes-Atlantique (OSUNA): the Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences (LPG), the Institut des Substances et Organismes de la Mer (ISOMer) and the Laboratoire Littoral, Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique (LETG).


Entry requirement

Academic requirement

  • Holder of a Bachelor's degree in Life and Earth Sciences or Environmental Sciences.
  • Holder of another degree (Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Biochemistry, etc.) but motivated.

Target audience

  • To enter this Master's degree in 1st year (1st semester) applicants should hold a Bachelor's degree in life and earth or environmental sciences. Highly motivated students holding a degree in life sciences, earth sciences, chemistry or biochemistry can apply as well.
  • You can also enter the programme in second year (3rd semester). Applicants should hold a degree equivalent to the first year of a master (i.e. a 3-year Bachelor is not acceptable), for example a 1st year of MSc validated in a field related to the scientific field of the master. Applicants should be able to demonstrate their knowledge from transcripts of their degrees. The programme is completely delivered in English. Students whose first language is not English must provide proof of a minimum knowledge in English.


Application procedure

For French students or international students already studying in France.

Selective access to Master 1:

Application procedure for the 2023-2024 academic year
  • To find out when the platform opens and closes and to submit your application, go to the Master's application page.
  • Applications open from 22 March to 20 April 2023 on "Mon Master", the national Masters platform.

Selective access to Master 2:

Additional procedure



First Semester (30 ECTS)
  • Geographic information system I
  • Science and research communication
  • Research for environmental sciences
  • Ecosystem structure and functionning
  • Environmental diagnosis
  • Biostatistical analysis and modeling
  • Anthropic and natural environment change I
  • Marine bioproduction
  • Marine microbiology

Second Semester (30 ECTS)
  • Principles of remote sensing
  • Anthropic and natural environment change II
  • Environmental law
  • Environmental assesment
  • Bivalve Ecophysiology
  • Field courses in marine ecology
  • Internship

Third Semester (30 ECTS)
  • Marine ecology field workshops
  • Biogeochemical markers in coastal areas
  • Law and economics of marine production and its protection
  • Shellfish life cycle
  • Marine safety products
  • Food composition trophic transfer and human nutrition
  • Refinement and development of marine natural products
  • Earth and planetary remote sensing
  • Geographic information systems II
  • Data analysis
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Preparation for Research

Fourth Semester (30 ECTS)
  • A 5 to 6 months internship

What's next?

Competencies acquired

  • You will explore with curiosity and a critical mind the different aspects of a scientific or technical problem in Environmental Sciences, integrating existing knowledge, theories and know-how.
  • You will programme, carry out, describe, analyse and interpret qualitatively and quantitatively (sampling, measurement, statistics) field observations, laboratory experiments and appropriate digital or analogue modelling to answer scientific or technical questions in Environmental Sciences.
  • You will synthesise qualitative and quantitative information derived from observation of natural systems, experimentation, modelling and consultation of scientific and technical literature, in order to pose and answer new questions in Environmental Sciences.
  • You will construct, formalise and rigorously express (using written, oral, graphic or mathematical language) questions, hypotheses, reasoning, models, observations, protocols, results, interpretations and conclusions in Environmental Sciences.
  • You will organise and take part in team projects to address environmental science issues.
  • You will integrate the concepts of spatial variation, temporal evolution and interaction in natural and societal systems into the development, formalisation and transmission of your reasoning.

Career opportunities

Business sectors

  • Environment
  • Geosciences
  • Biology, ecology
  • Aquaculture
  • Cartography
  • Agri-food
  • Pharmaceutical production

  • Engineer, project manager
  • Research engineer (after a PhD)
  • Researcher, university teacher (after a PhD)


To find out more about what happens to our graduates, consult the professional integration surveys carried out by the SUIO.


Tuition fee

The cost refers to education and training costs that includes additional services such as French language classes.
A provisional budget is available on Nantes Université's website.
Mis à jour le 11 January 2024.